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Overview of Kiwanis Committees— their Purpose, Roles & Responsibilities
(President, Secretary and Chief Financial Officer will be Ex-Officio Member of all Committees)
Finance Committee:
Goal: Oversee the protection and growth of all Foundation and Club assets. Review monthly financial reports, assuring that proper tax and other required documents are filed properly and timely.
Foundation/Future Directions:
Goal: Develop a 3-year strategic plan for Club and Foundation growth. Lead an annual review of Club & Foundation Bylaws and/or amendments to the Articles of Incorporation. Monitor Thrift Store operating procedures, building maintenance, store assets, and its personnel including management. Provide guidance to Board of Directors and insure a mentoring program is in place for current and future club leaders.
Club Meetings & Events:
Goal: Provide for effective club meetings including programs, facility, reception, and fellowship. Also coordinate all special events that the Club/Foundation would be hosting. Continuing projects: weekly breakfast meetings, social meetings, annual Installation Banquet, and annual Scholarship and Awards Banquet.
Public Relations:
Goal: Provide and distribute a weekly Club bulletin. Generate articles/ news briefs that highlight Club/Foundation activities and projects to be distributed through multiple media outlets including hard copy sources, social media, and websites. Produce and update a Club membership directory each year. Continuing projects: Club Bulletin, Facebook, development of year-end scrapbook and publication of member roster.
Community Relations/Outreach
Goal: Formulate and implement creative and innovative ways to cultivate sustaining relationships with community citizens, government, institutions, and other organizations, through outreach activities, events, and face to face interactions
Human and Spiritual Values:
Goal: Suggest ways the club can encourage the human spirit rather than the material values of life. Promote non-denominational activities in our club and community. Provide for weekly inspirational messages for meetings and our bulletin. Continued projects: Prayer breakfast, Christmas program meeting invocations.
Membership Growth & Retention
Goal: Implement an aggressive membership recruitment program to increase membership and stimulate interest in Kiwanis activities in the community. Work with processes successfully developed by Kiwanis International and District Leaders. Implement communication processes to invite potential members and volunteers to Kiwanis activities and projects.
Coaching/Mentorship & Education:
Goal: Mentors help new members transition into the Club by finding ways to connect their interests with Club activities. Implement an effective orientation of activities both at meetings and at special functions. Provide education to members highlighting the history of our Club and Kiwanis International.
(Special Guest Day- Education about Kiwanis History, Assign Mentors to Brand new members)
International Understanding:
Goal: Broaden members perspective to understand the International impact of Kiwanis and the role our club plays. Involve club with worldwide service projects. Continued projects include ECHO Farm and the Eliminate project.
Community Service Projects:
Goal: Identify community needs and support ways our club can render service that meets those needs. Continued projects: Road clean up, support of Boys & Girls Club, Healthy Harvest Farms, local social services organizations such as Lehigh Community Services.
Young Children Priority One:
Goal: Suggest and develop partnership programs for the Club to render service to children from
prenatal to age 5.
Youth Services:
Goal: Continue to support and fund new ways to help children from Age 5 to 18 adjust themselves and become adapted to social, economic, and the moral demands they shall encounter. Continued projects: Sponsored youth sports organizations, Arts & Humanity programs in schools, School Grant programs, high school and college booster organizations, scholarship program. Development of fundraising events to support youth services and scholarship programs.
Service Leadership Programs:
Goal: Continued support and encouragement of activities for our service leadership programs. Encourage members to inter-club with our youth SLP clubs. Establish new youth clubs in schools as needed. Continued projects: Strengthen the personnel supporting our existing K Kids, Builders and Key Clubs. Awards Banquet, annual Thanksgiving turkey project, annual K-Family Christmas Breakfast.
Scholarship programs:
Goal: Create and implement streamlined procedure for maintaining up to date records of scholarship applications, scholarship recipients and scholarship awards. The committee will review current procedures and delegate roles and responsibilities so that we can maintain consistent engagement of students with our SLP clubs.
(President, Secretary and Chief Financial Officer will be Ex-Officio Member of all Committees)
Finance Committee:
Goal: Oversee the protection and growth of all Foundation and Club assets. Review monthly financial reports, assuring that proper tax and other required documents are filed properly and timely.
Foundation/Future Directions:
Goal: Develop a 3-year strategic plan for Club and Foundation growth. Lead an annual review of Club & Foundation Bylaws and/or amendments to the Articles of Incorporation. Monitor Thrift Store operating procedures, building maintenance, store assets, and its personnel including management. Provide guidance to Board of Directors and insure a mentoring program is in place for current and future club leaders.
Club Meetings & Events:
Goal: Provide for effective club meetings including programs, facility, reception, and fellowship. Also coordinate all special events that the Club/Foundation would be hosting. Continuing projects: weekly breakfast meetings, social meetings, annual Installation Banquet, and annual Scholarship and Awards Banquet.
Public Relations:
Goal: Provide and distribute a weekly Club bulletin. Generate articles/ news briefs that highlight Club/Foundation activities and projects to be distributed through multiple media outlets including hard copy sources, social media, and websites. Produce and update a Club membership directory each year. Continuing projects: Club Bulletin, Facebook, development of year-end scrapbook and publication of member roster.
Community Relations/Outreach
Goal: Formulate and implement creative and innovative ways to cultivate sustaining relationships with community citizens, government, institutions, and other organizations, through outreach activities, events, and face to face interactions
Human and Spiritual Values:
Goal: Suggest ways the club can encourage the human spirit rather than the material values of life. Promote non-denominational activities in our club and community. Provide for weekly inspirational messages for meetings and our bulletin. Continued projects: Prayer breakfast, Christmas program meeting invocations.
Membership Growth & Retention
Goal: Implement an aggressive membership recruitment program to increase membership and stimulate interest in Kiwanis activities in the community. Work with processes successfully developed by Kiwanis International and District Leaders. Implement communication processes to invite potential members and volunteers to Kiwanis activities and projects.
Coaching/Mentorship & Education:
Goal: Mentors help new members transition into the Club by finding ways to connect their interests with Club activities. Implement an effective orientation of activities both at meetings and at special functions. Provide education to members highlighting the history of our Club and Kiwanis International.
(Special Guest Day- Education about Kiwanis History, Assign Mentors to Brand new members)
International Understanding:
Goal: Broaden members perspective to understand the International impact of Kiwanis and the role our club plays. Involve club with worldwide service projects. Continued projects include ECHO Farm and the Eliminate project.
Community Service Projects:
Goal: Identify community needs and support ways our club can render service that meets those needs. Continued projects: Road clean up, support of Boys & Girls Club, Healthy Harvest Farms, local social services organizations such as Lehigh Community Services.
Young Children Priority One:
Goal: Suggest and develop partnership programs for the Club to render service to children from
prenatal to age 5.
Youth Services:
Goal: Continue to support and fund new ways to help children from Age 5 to 18 adjust themselves and become adapted to social, economic, and the moral demands they shall encounter. Continued projects: Sponsored youth sports organizations, Arts & Humanity programs in schools, School Grant programs, high school and college booster organizations, scholarship program. Development of fundraising events to support youth services and scholarship programs.
Service Leadership Programs:
Goal: Continued support and encouragement of activities for our service leadership programs. Encourage members to inter-club with our youth SLP clubs. Establish new youth clubs in schools as needed. Continued projects: Strengthen the personnel supporting our existing K Kids, Builders and Key Clubs. Awards Banquet, annual Thanksgiving turkey project, annual K-Family Christmas Breakfast.
Scholarship programs:
Goal: Create and implement streamlined procedure for maintaining up to date records of scholarship applications, scholarship recipients and scholarship awards. The committee will review current procedures and delegate roles and responsibilities so that we can maintain consistent engagement of students with our SLP clubs.